CLTCL1 基因 rs1061325 位点多态性与中国 汉族精神分裂症的关联分析




国家重点研发计划(2016YFC1307005);上海市精神卫生中心院级课题(2017-YJ-16); 上海市精神卫生中心“启航计划”(2018-QH-05);上海市自然科学基金(20ZR1448400)

Association study of rs1061325 polymorphism of CLTCL1 gene with schizophrenia in Chinese Han population

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    目的 探讨中国汉族人群网格蛋白重链 1(CLTCL1)基因 rs1061325 多态性与精神分裂症 的相关性。方法 选取 2007— 2008 年在上海交通大学医学院附属精神卫生中心门诊或住院的 662 例 精神分裂症患者作为病例组,选取同期的 414 名健康志愿者作为对照组。采用 TaqMan 探针基因分型技 术对两组的 CLTCL1 基因 rs1061325 位点进行分型,采用阳性与阴性症状量表(PANSS)对病例组进行精 神症状严重程度评定,并分析 PANSS 评分与不同基因型的相关性。结果 病例组与对照组的 rs1061325 等位基因和基因型频率分布比较,差异无统计学意义(χ2 =0.25、0.28,P=0.62、0.87);在共显性、显性、隐 性、超显性、加性遗传模式下基因型分布差异也无统计学意义(P> 0.05),rs1061325 基因型多态性对精 神分裂症患者的发病年龄[(24.15±6.71)岁]、病程[(31.23±9.49)年]和 BMI[(26.46±5.28)kg/m2 ]也均 无明显影响(F=1.15、0.33、0.75,P=0.32、0.72、0.48),rs1061325 基因型多态性与 PANSS 阳性症状分、阴 性症状分、一般精神病理分及 PANSS 总分无相关性(F=1.26、0.37、0.34、0.49,P=0.29、0.69、0.72、0.62)。 结论 在中国汉族人群中,CLTCL1 基因 rs1061325 位点与精神分裂症无关联。


    Objective To explore the relationship between the rs1061325 polymorphism of clathrin heavy chain like 1 (CLTCL1) gene and schizophrenia in Chinese Han population. Methods A total of 662 schizophrenia patients in the inpatient department and outpatient department of Shanghai Mental Health Center of Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine from 2007 to 2008 were selected as the case group. At the same time, a total of 414 healthy volunteers were recruited as the control group. The rs1061325 polymorphism of the CLTCL1 gene was genotyped by TaqMan genotyping assay. the severity of psychiatric symptoms in the case group were assessed by the Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS), and the correlation between PANSS score and different genotypes was analyzed. Results There was no significant difference in the frequency distribution of rs1061325 alleles and genotype between the case group and the control group (χ2 =0.25, P=0.62; χ2 =0.28,P=0.87). There was no significant difference in genotype distribution under codominant, dominant, recessive, over-dominant and log-additive models (P>0.05). The rs1061325 genotype polymorphism in patients with schizophrenia had no significant effect on the age of onset[(24.15±6.71) years], the course of the disease [(31.23±9.49) years] and BMI [(26.46±5.28) kg/m2 ] (F=1.15, P=0.32; F=0.33, P=0.72; F=0.75, P=0.48)There was no correlation between rs1061325 genotype polymorphism and PANSS positive symptom score, negative symptom score, general psychopathology score and PANSS total score (F=1.26, P=0.29; F=0.37, P=0.69; F=0.34, P=0.72; F=0.49, P=0.62). Conclusions There was no association between rs1061325 polymorphism of CLTCL1 gene and schizophrenia in Chinese Han population.


宁爱玲 徐青青 袁瑞雪 傅迎美 张燃 汪栋祥 易正辉 禹顺英. CLTCL1 基因 rs1061325 位点多态性与中国 汉族精神分裂症的关联分析[J].神经疾病与精神卫生,2021,21(11):
DOI :10.3969/j. issn.1009-6574.2021.11.003.

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  • 在线发布日期: 2021-11-30