Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRIs) is currently the first-line clinical treatment for depression and anxiety disorders. Prescription data show that the use of SSRIs antidepressants in men of reproductive age is increasing. However, people pay more attention to the safety of perinatal use of SSRIs in women, ignoring the impact on semen quality and fertility in male patients. The available evidence from both basic and clinical studies suggests that long-term use of SSRIs in men of reproductive age can have adverse effects on semen parameters and fertility. Now, a systematic review of relevant studies is presented to provide a basis for guiding clinical use.
王瀚,付冰冰,吕楠,赵茜,张玲.选择性5-羟色胺再摄取抑制剂类抗抑郁药对男性精液质量 及生育能力的影响[J].神经疾病与精神卫生,2022,22(3): DOI :10.3969/j. issn.1009-6574.2022.03.007.